Oh how the dust has been flying this summer at the farm. Not from lack of rain, rather from scrubbing out 20 years of accumulation! Our spring cleaning has carried over into the summer as it has spread to clearing out all the buildings here on our property. In the beginning, it was a light hearted joke that the piles grew over night, but we are not laughing anymore. I think they really are! The goblins are sprinkling their mischief dust on our junk piles and it seems they are twice as large in the morning...
Out from the midst of the dust have emerged four little faces...pictured here as raw sculpts. Sculpted in the evening as the sun sets (...in between washing dirt covered farm children and dinner dishes). Next, I will sand the faces, sculpt them with a tiny blade if necessary, and wash their skin carefully with acetone. The fine tuning. For some reason, I have to see the faces baked before the imperfections and irregularities are evident. I love them already...
My husband has been diligently working to create a special space for my studio. It is a true artist's nesting place. A cozy little room he built almost from scratch for me to contentedly mingle with faeries and elves and those sorts of friends. With enough room for my daughters to work on their own flights of imagination. I am almost moved in and can hardly wait to begin work in earnest on several new projects pateintly in waiting.
I would like to share with you a bit of exciting family news...
My daughter Tomi has just published an artist Blog!



Pink Little Girl Bears and their Dollies

Boy Bears in overalls, Tea parties and Mice

Lovely French Maidens

And wise old Gentlemen Bears...
She also tenderly weaves fairy tales into the fabric of her art.
