He felt that he was restored to consciousness in the nick of time, for the especial purpose of holding a conference with the Second Messenger dispatched to him
through Jacob Marley's intervention.

There sat a Spirit, glorious to see:, who bore a glowing torch, in shape not unlike Plenty's horn, and held it up, high up, to shed its light on Scrooge, as he came peeping round the door.
"Come in!" exclaimed the Ghost. "Come in, and know me better, man."
Scrooge entered timidly, and hung his head before this Spirit. He was not the dogged Scrooge he had been; and though the Spirit's eyes were clear and kind, he did not like to meet them.
"I am the Ghost of Christmas Present," said the Spirit. "Look upon me."

The Ghost of Christmas Present rose.
"Spirit," said Scrooge submissively, "conduct me where you will. I went forth last night on compulsion, and I learnt a lesson which is working now.
To-night, if you have aught to teach me, let me profit by it."

"Touch my robe."

Scrooge did as he was told, and held it fast.
But soon the steeples called good people all, to church and chapel, and away they came, flocking through the streets in their best clothes, and with their gayest faces.
And at the same time there emerged from scores of bye-streets, lanes, and nameless turnings, innumerable people, carrying their dinners to the bakers' shops.

The sight of these poor revellers appeared to interest the Spirit very much, for she stood with Scrooge beside her in a baker's doorway, and taking off the covers as their bearers passed, sprinkled incense on their dinners from her torch.
And it was a very uncommon kind of torch, for once or twice when there were angry words between some dinner-carriers who had jostled each other, she shed a few drops of water on them from it, and their good humour was restored directly.

For they said, it was a shame to quarrel upon Christmas Day.
And so it was. God love it, so it was.

In time the bells ceased...
"Is there a peculiar flavour in what you sprinkle from your torch?" asked Scrooge.
"There is. My own."
"Would it apply to any kind of dinner on this day?" asked Scrooge.
"To any kindly given. To a poor one most."

Much they saw, and far they went, and many homes they visited, but always with a happy end. The Spirit stood beside sick beds, and they were cheerful; on foreign lands, and they were close at home; by struggling men, and they were patient in their greater hope; by poverty, and it was rich.
She left her blessing, and taught Scrooge her precepts.

The chimes were ringing the three quarters past eleven at that moment.
"Forgive me if I am not justified in what I ask," said Scrooge, looking intently at the Spirit's robe, "but I see something strange, and not belonging to yourself, protruding from your skirts.

The Spirit's sorrowful reply. "Look here."
From the foldings of her robe,she brought forth two children; wretched, abject, frightful, hideous, miserable. They knelt down at her feet, and clung upon the outside of her garment.

"Oh, Man, look here! Look, look, down here!" exclaimed the Ghost.
The two children were yellow, meagre, ragged in their humility. Where angels might have sat enthroned, devils lurked, and glared out menacing.
Scrooge started back, appalled. Having them shown to him in this way, he tried to say they were fine children, but the words choked themselves, rather than be parties to a lie of such enormous magnitude.
"Spirit, are they yours?" Scrooge could say no more.
"They are Man's," said the Spirit, looking down upon them. "And they cling to me, appealing from their fathers.
This child is Ignorance. This child is Want.
Beware them both, and all of their degree, but most of all beware this child, for on her brow I see that written which is Doom, unless the writing be erased. Deny it!" cried the Spirit, stretching out her hand towards the city.

"Have they no refuge or resource?" cried Scrooge.
"Are there no prisons?" said the Spirit, turning on him for the last time with his own words.
"Are there no workhouses?"
The bell struck twelve.
...And the Spirit departed, leaving Scrooge to ponder his Christmas thoughts...

Your dolls are so beautiful, I love them so much. Great work!
ReplyDeleteI wish you a merry chrismas
Merry Christmas~
Gracias Rosa, por el cuento, reflexión y descripción que has hecho, es tan maravilloso como Scrooge y las Niñas, toda la puesta en escena que haces de cada una de tus creaciones, el hijo de otra obra de arte Añadida.
ReplyDeleteAprovecho, Aunque ya lo hice, aunque me vuelva a repetir, Aunque parezca una pesada, para desearte un tí y tu familia Paz, Amor, Salud y que todos tus sueños se vean realizados en el 2010. Besos y abrazos.
Usted es un gran artista, admiro. Yo estaba encantado con la representación de la historia Navidad.Feliz Navidad y buen año
ReplyDelete. Un abrazo Carmen
Molto bella e affascinante la storia che accompagna e dà vita alle tue nuove creature, che inutile dirlo....sono bellissime, ricche di particolari preziosi, di sfumature da fiaba...Bravissima e precisa nella descrizione del tuo lavoro, ma chi può competere con la tua fantasia e precisissima arte? Nessuno!
ReplyDeleteUn caro augurio di Buon Natale a te e ai tuoi cari!
A presto... seguirti è sempre una grande emozione!
Dearest Rose, This is a masterpiece! The story, along with each individual photo is just so very magical. It seems almost as if the Ghost has changed her expression in some photos! Every time I look at this blog I see yet another detail! The vagabond children do have a sweet gentleness about them. They remind me of cherubs pictured in the bible. Through your hands, another timeless, beautiful heirloom was born! How lucky the person who carried them into their heart and home! I applaud you Rose! Love Christel
ReplyDeleteThank you for your most welcome greetings, my dear friends. It is now 30 minutes into Christmas morning and I am finally ready to settle into (hopefully) a long winter's nap. The stockings are hung and it is a blessed Silent Night here in the house...Your most welcome words are a lovely end to this Christmas Eve. God bless each one of you and may tomorrow bring His gift of peace and joy to you and yours. always love, Rose
ReplyDeleteDear Rose,
ReplyDeleteWhat a Beautiful and wonderful ending to this Christmas season. Your dolls bring joy to many people. They are a beautiful sight to behold, and I for one feel blessed to call you a friend.
I hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas!! Here's to many more beautiful creations for the upcoming year.
Dessa Rae
So Stunning Rose! Breathtaking!!!
ReplyDeleteWishing you a Merry Holiday Season and Wonderful new year. Hugs, Marcie ;-)
Finally it is only this very afternoon I have enjoyed the luxury of leisurely visiting your wonderful Christmas blog tales! I so loved seeing your trees, decorations, food and family...thank you so much for sharing them and enriching my celebrations!! Dear Allerleirauh, KeKe, Marimer, Dora, Miriam, Christel, Dessa, and Marcie...may this New Year be kind and prosperous in all that you set your hands and heart to...lovingly, Rose
ReplyDeleteQue belleza!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteRose admiro enormemente tu trabajo!!
Eres una gran gran artista!!!!!
Querida Rose te deseo lo mejor para el año 2010 y que esa hermosa magia que posees siga creciendo y creciendo y desprendiendo paz , amor y felicidad!!!
Un fuerte abrazo de M.Carmen... "*Carmen*, the third Lunar Sister"
¡Oh, es tan bueno para recibir una nota de ustedes para poner fin a este año, querida Carmen ... Gracias! 2009 ha sido un año lleno de muchos retos y logros y espero que Dios traerá muchas bendiciones más en el Año Nuevo para usted. Espero que uno de esos bendición será conocer a los otros aún mejor! Usted ha sido uno de los regalos brightests este año ... la devoción de su amiga artista ... much love, Rose
ReplyDeleteHi Dear Rose, I can't wait any longer, did she like the castel pillow?
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year
She LOVED the pillow, Cindy!! Who wouldn't...especially a child with princess inclinations...? Inside the gossamer wrap tied with a bejeweled crown necklace was a world she loves to talk about complete with horses and castle. I am hoping this will be something from her childhood that will last into adulthood, but already it goes with her to all her cozy spots in her house. Just know, your handiwork will be well loved and the source of many fairy tales. Thank you for making her Christmas extra special this year...much love, Rose
ReplyDeleteChristmas Present is solidly ethereal. A paradox. Ignorant and Want are gently interpreted, but gentle does not equate weak.Your work inspires me. Thank you.
Ahh...your blog always a respit from the harsh world outside...thank-you I will be back to heal often...I may simply move into your blog...I feel so wrapped in welcoming love
ReplyDeleteTamera...your words still amaze me after living with them for two days. I think their impact will never fade...thank you so much, love, Rose
ReplyDeleteDear Anita, your presence here is healing to me as well. For so many years these intimate artistic wanderings of mine could be entrusted to only a few. The blessing of blogging has opened up a whole new world...You are so welcome to *move* into my little corner of it. I so enjoy your company! love, Rose
ReplyDeleteDearest Rose,
ReplyDeleteI have always seen your name on other people's comments and I am so pleased to make your acquaintence! Thank you for visiting Nocturne, where you have encoutered the rabbits in my garden! Nocturne had been neglected over the last several busy months due to my teaching job, but has been resurrected during my long-needed Christmas break! Your world is so charming. Faeries and animals are my passion, and I am very impressed by your incredible work! My dear and talented friend Patricia Cabrera from Woolytale Miniatures also makes wonderful dolls, animals and marionnettes. My thanks goes out to all of you incredible artists that give us the faery light to help us dream and love all that is magical. Have a wonderful day and 2010 and do come back! Please also visit my main blog as well! Anita
Hello dear Anita...Pat has endearingly spoken to me of you and I have visited your absolutely gorgeous Castles Crowns and Cottages on many occasions. Your heart is so full of goodness and boundless beauty...and your posts beautifully reflect that. Penny's little Bebe Mouse fit so perfectly in Nocture along with the adorable rabbits and gentle garden inhabitants. I know that meant very much to her...and to me that you stopped by bbflockling for a visit. Thank you!! I shall be a regular visitor to your special corner of the world this upcoming year...love, Rose
ReplyDeleteI hope the holidays greeted you with a warm embrace and feelings of serenity that linger well into the new year.
Dear Rose, Wishing you and the "Flockling" a wonderful New Year! I am anxiously awaiting your next beautiful inspiring creation, God surely must hold your hand when you sculpt dear friend. Love, Christel
ReplyDeleteIn the midst of the HIGH excitement that a house full of children generate during Christmas, there was indeed an under riding sense of serenity that I hope and pray does follow us into this next year. The true Spirit of Christmas...I don't know how I could make it through a single day without it. Thank you for sending such a sweet and significant sentiment, Mary! love, Rose
ReplyDeleteI just met your new Bo Peep child, Christel and tomorrow will surely visit her on ebay. Your faces are becoming more and more captivating, I can definately see your diligence coming through your sculpting. I can bet you devote your whole self this way to all you set your heart upon...yes? And OH have I EVER been hankering to return to the studio! After finishing up on a few sewing projects, I hope to fairly seclude myself for awhile with the faeries and my girls...contentedly encsconced in our artistic haven...SOON!!!love, Rose
ReplyDeleteDear, sweet and TALENTED Rose,
ReplyDeleteHow kind of you to speak of my blog and of Penny. I just looked at your other blog, Elven Slippers......OMG I can't tell you how going there was like entering into my imagination where such dreams live, but have never been realized. I am just venturing out as an ilustrator at my age, but for the last 20 years, I have been involved in academics. As I close up my graduate school career, I am hoping to devote more time to the arts and writing and your elven site just exploded a spark of vision in me! There are so many of you talented artists out there....one of them, Patricia Cabrera from Woolytale Miniatures is my dear, dear friend and she too has "blown me away"! Then there is the Dutchess, Jackie from Once Upon a Fairyland....such great minds. I want to put you on my blog list because I need to keep up with your great mind! Thank you so much for coming by to leave a message. I means a lot to me! Have a wonderful day! Anita
Dearest Rose,
ReplyDeleteI finally made the connection here...when you mentioned Pat up in the previous comment, I was thinking of another Pat...PATRICIA!! MY DEAR AND WONDERFUL SISTER IN CHRIST! Oh, you all are so talented. You have moved me beyond words, and for a burgeoning writer like myself, that is quite a feat! Again, your art is phenomenal and that other blog of yours is a portal into a world that I dream of often. Thank you for making my acquaintance and please, let's stay connected! Anita
Good morning Anita!
ReplyDeleteYes, it is indeed THAT Pat...we became friends years ago when she was needle felting her woolies and the faeries were flying around only in her imagination. As she began exploring the world of polymer, I have so enjoyed watching her explore the many avenues that opened for her through that medium. I think Diversity is Pat's middle name!! She is a precious friend...
A *writer* I am not, so I have a grand admiration for those artists who are gifted to illustrate their inspirations with the pen (or keyboard!). It is a pleasure to talk with you...I shall be knocking upon your door often this year...love, Rose
I am sitting here with a big smile on my face to see that my dearest two friends have meet!*grin*
ReplyDeleteRosa I know you will LOVE to get to know Anita as well as she will to you. You both share a LOT mutual interests.
Reading your note (to Anita) gave me such a good feeling onside andmy memories of what we have shared in and out the art world is something that I will always treasure! ((( Thank you my dear friend))
Again, I want to wish you a blessed year in the Lord... please send my love to all the Lacefields.lovingly, Pat
We do share so many rich memories and I count you as one of the most wonderful blessings God has given me during this life! Not only do we share (and UNDERSTAND each others')artist hearts, but we have walked through some important "life" moments that our friendship has helped us through, don't you think? I am just delighted to meet Anita and thank God that we all have found one another!! love, Rosa
ReplyDeleteSo good of you to visit Elven Slippers, Anita! I have several pretty little slippers awaiting their faeries and hope to explore the Elven realm more this year. Very Soon, Tinkerbelle will be arriving to pick up Peter Pans slipper and she will be ALL dressed up in her New Year party frock.
ReplyDeleteOn your blog list...really?! What an honor...thank you ever so much...Rose
Wow Rose...I am keeping my eye on your Elven slippers. What a magical place. I am so glad that we have all found each other; you are all such a treasure and that Patricia, what a dear, dear friend. We are both lucky because I know that she holds you so dear! Have a great day, Anita
ReplyDeleteI have a photo of my Santa piece I did for our dear friends for Christmas. I would like for you to see him...please email if you have time and I will send you a photo.
Please do, Anita! Two Tinkerbelle's are waiting to see which one of them will be featured there next. I love them both, but must choose which Belle will fit the story line better...sigh...perhaps the other will visit here!
ReplyDeleteI so enjoyed studying your drawing last night. And was not surprised that with all the passion you have for beauty and art - you are also an artist. Very sweet...especially the two little mousie backsides in boots no less. I look forward to seeing more of your drawings in the future! love, Rose
Oh Wow, I would LOVE to see your Santa, Tamera...be watching for my email!
ReplyDeleteMy Dear Rose
ReplyDeleteI peek in every few days to once again gaze upon this beautiful set.. I see you have met Anita! She is a dear one.. I am sure you both will enjoy each others company. Although I have followed Patricia's work for a long time, I have now, thanks to you my dear friend, had the opportunity to meet her.. It is so wonderful that we can all meet together in one magical place.. I cannot wait to me TINK !! Take care..
Love, Penny
Thanks for so much beauty that comes out of your hand. Happy epiphany you have many gifts and desires are fulfilled
ReplyDeleteDear Rose, I too am anxiously awaiting Tinks arrival, and like so many have said before me, I am so very glad to be meeting all of these wonderful people who hold you so dear.Patricia, Penny, DessaRae, Anita, are just a few!I am so very excited about this new year! I feel a wonderful change coming on, and have not felt so hopeful in many many years. I truely believe that it is the love and support I feel, and the blessings bestowed upon me through you, your beautiful dolls, and this magical little world I now am so very proud to be part of! Thank you dear sweet friend, I love you. Christel
ReplyDeleteDear Rose, Hi, I am new to visit your site. Your work is fascinating and breathtaking! Your beautiful figures completely can steel ones heart!!! Your art work flourishes which such a brilliant imagination. I so look forward to coming back to visit and see your gorgeous work again, Its simply stunning! Thank You, for sharing your work.Sincerely, Jonny
ReplyDeleteIsn't our blog community just the greatest, Penny?! One of the most wonderful things that mightily blessed me in 2009 and I SO look forward to spending 2010 with you all!!
ReplyDeleteJulieta, your beautifully written and illustrated post about the Epiphany answered many questions I have had for a long time. Thank you for sharing such a precious holiday celebration with me!
Tink definately has a mind of her own, Christel. That combined with a stubborn winter cold has delayed her completion for the longest time. Neither faerie will be nearly as close in appearance to the "origninal" Disney character as yours, but hopefully you will see some of her personality come through!
I feel the same about your work, Jonny!! I found your blog via Penny's and am so glad I did. Your paintings capture the gentle yet powerful beauty of woman and left me in awe. Your blog will be a frequent place of serenity that I hope to visit often!
love to you all...Rose
My Dear Rose
ReplyDeleteI have now learned even more about my dear Rose from your loving daughter Tomi, on her blog award post.. Am I surprised? no.. You are such a humble soul... am I amazed? Yes. your talents are never ending.. I was in awe viewing your beautiful art. Something had always told me that your talents went beyond your exquisite sculptures. What a beautiful tribute from your daughter.. Bless her heart...
With love and blessings,
Oh Rose, thank you for visiting us here in Nowhere...we do love our work and each other and it is such a joy to know all of you! Blessings, Anita
ReplyDeleteThank you, Penny, for visiting Tomi's blog! Even though I feel I know her so well, it was as if I was seeing her through new eyes of wonder...as I read her tender words. And what a precious surprise to see that I was one of her seven things. It truly does not get much better than that, my friend. I am a blessed woman...love, Rose
ReplyDeleteI have wandered down the path to Nowhere quite often, Anita, and thoroughly enjoyed the heart warming meanderings of the Friends who call this place home. To me, the story actually reflects the genuine relationships being built between the writers.
ReplyDeleteBless you for inviting Penny into your troupe. She is a soul from long ago, it seems...from a time of gentle graces and peaceful faces...She is a bright facet added to your diamond! love, Rose
Hola Rosa! qué bella interpretación del clásico cuento. Son increíbles tus creaciones.Besos!
ReplyDeleteI am still amazed when I visit your site I was looking at your figures on your side bar to me they are the work of a pure genius. Beautiful. Sincerely, Jonny
ReplyDeleteMy Dear Rose
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the visiting my blog and the beautiful words..
Bless you for the post to Anita, above.. I am truly touched. I am honored to call you my friend.
With loving thoughts, Penny
Hello again Jonny, I certainly enjoyed reading your very generous words...thank you so much!! However, my own opinion of my art is not so lofty. So often the vision in my mind is impossible for me to meet through my hands....and when I gaze upon other artists work (such as yours) I think "My word, how did they DO that?!" Consequently, I know very well that I have a long way to go and pray that God will grant me more time to attain what I hope to be someday as an artist while thoroughly enjoying the journey and the wonderful friendships along the way!
ReplyDeleteIt is a priviledge to call YOU a friend, dear Penny...
always love, Rose