I would like to introduce you to a remarkable character
from a Brothers Grimm fairytale.
But first, I must whisper a secret in your ear...
she actually began her life as a potential Tinkerbelle!
Last fall, I had sculpted a small doll
to stand in an Elven Slipper that was created for Peter Pan
by my Elven Cobbler, Ruin Gavier
and Princess Everllie.
From the get-go, her spunky personality was quite evident.
So much so that the other little creatures in the Doll Room were always keeping one eye on her. Watching what she might be up to.
Which...in the end...was a lot.
After I dressed her and took preliminary photos,
a younger, even smaller Tink came along.
So, with her hands on her hips she was placed up on the Waiting Shelf.
There she stood and waited...impatiently.
Every now and again I would pick her up and fiddle with her hair
or place her on the Slipper to remind her she was not forgotten.
But something was just not settled with her, nor with me.
So, I repainted her face...several times. That made matters worse.
After Christmas I added a festive skirt to her green tunic.
And in January, she received a newly sculpted head
with pretty eyes crafted by Loretta Polaski.
Finally, over Christmas, Grandma brought a slender dome on a base.
She was hoping I could use it for a doll.
Looking at it brought forth something from way back in my memory.
I recalled a Grimm's fairytale about a royal Maiden locked in a Tower.
And the ideas began flowing!

I cannot describe her unique work as it richly deserves,
so please visit her blog if you are not already familiar with her art
and give yourself a real treat!
before the Tower.
If you would like to see her story and auction,
please click on the picture up at the right corner of this page.
I would love to hear your opinion.
Next, I would be delighted to introduce you
to another little creature who graced our long February days
with her princess spirit...

Please meet Fifi...
She is a frilly and an adventurous mouse
who came knocking at our door from California.
She was created by Penny of Angelsdoor. Naturally, she was greeted with great excitement...I could hardly keep all the eager hands away long enough to unwrap her belongings.
Her tutu is removeable so you can better see a round, pinkish tummy.
Fifi's ballerina slippers and bag can be slung over her shoulders when she is ready for another adventure.
As you can see, she is highly beloved.
Thank you, Penny, for making such a sweet Mousie
to warm the Valentine hearts in all of us here.
On a parting note, I will leave you with a glowing image from a day we spent at my daughter Tomi's farm last week.
Can you believe this is a winter picture?!
Not a snow flake on the horizon, and the rain stopped just long enough for the children to play outside on the tire swing.
As Kipper the Dog would say...
"What a lovely day...I don't think I have ever seen such a
lovely, lovely day!"
May your Valentine's Day
bring you a day full of love...ly-ness
and sweet imagination!