Who might this tiny Gnome Child become?
To read her story and see more pictures,

And...there's a little more to her story...
With each new lump of clay, I never know who I am going to meet...
until the face paint is applied.
Sometimes the personality shows up after the first coat,
but more than likely the doll will make me wait and labor
over several coats of paint.
Maybe even sometimes a couple repaints before we're done.
Karli, however, showed up right away.
She was very familiar to me.
Her expression was one I fondly remembered from my childhood.
It was the shy sweet face of my younger sister Karla.
I added wispy long hair and a basket of good things to eat.
So I named her Karli.
("Star" is explained in the rest of her story.)

To this day, my sister nurtures by her generous giving.
She loves to make yummy things for my children and has been an ongoing blessing to me and many more
every day of her life on this earth.
I dedicate this little gnome faerie to her loving spirit
and thank God He has allowed me to be her sister.

Oh, and I wanted to share Pippi's homecoming with you!
Thankfully, she arrived in Finland
to a Mighty Grand Welcome.
Her family prepared a birthday party in her new bedroom!
With not one but two cakes and many Finnish candies besides.
I could tell that Pippi immediately made herself at home,
There is no doubt in my mind that she will be sharing her own
decorating ideas for the rest of the house.
Bless you Sari (and your lovely husband)
for asking me to create
a Pippi just for you.
What an honor and a delight it was!

My heart is turned toward Christmas now.
This year I would like to offer a Yuletide giveaway on this blog.
Once Karli was done, I concentrated on a prototype moveable doll whose joints could be carefully played with.
Joints that could withstand gentle playing.
She is almost done and I am satisfied with these first efforts.
I would like to give her to someone special!
Also , there will be a second giveaway...
a jaunty little icicle man with a top hat!~
On my next post, I will be adding pictures of them...
so please do drop by for a visit and leave a Christmas greeting!
until then, keep looking Upward! love, Rose