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Hello Everyone! Since last we visited, summer has come and almost gone. Wow. It seems as if I have been stuck in fast forward. But somehow in the midst of this whirlwind, a new little friend has emerged from the Doll Room.Actually, she is a best friend of someone you all are very familar with. Can you guess who?!While working on her, it was inevitable that I would began pondering what it means to be a best friend. I have decided it is a tragic thing to go through life without having one.Or without being one. *To have a best friend, you must be one*That is the definition of Annika. . 
This child was gifted with a solid and secure childhood,... she likes to keep her feet on the ground.

But keeping up with Mr. Nilsson and Pippi involves tree climbing...even though Annika is really not fond of being out on a limb and up so high. With lots of practice, though, she has grown to enjoy it. (Sort of)

"Annika dresses like such a girly girl."(Pippi quote)Such is pink underpinnings, matching pink leggings, clean white lace ankle socks with well fitted black sandles.
Even at her young age, Annika is a pensive soul.
She talks about half as much as her best friend, which is helpfulwhen your dearest friend does most the talking.

Of course...Both girls love a good party.Birthday party that is.The right dress is a crucial ingredient for the success of any momentous celebration. 
Annika does not have wings, but there's a good chance that thesebig blue polka dot sleeves might just catch a breeze and carry her over the rainbow to Pippi's house.And right into Sari's (Pippi's mom) heart!. I am in love with this doll. (12 points of SJD friendly articulation, 5 " tall) Thanks to my time spent with her this summer, being a best friend is something I want to do better! . " A friend is one to whom one may pour out all the contents of one's heart, chaff and grain together, knowing that the gentlest of hands will take and sift it, keep what is worth keeping and with a breath of kindness blow the rest away."
- Arabian Proverb Thank you so much for visiting! love, Rose