Ice Cream Raggelys
Raggelys measure 3 1/2 inches small and are Poseable!
OOAK Features:
Sculpted Heads, mittens, feet
Raggelys measure 3 1/2 inches small and are Poseable!
OOAK Features:
Sculpted Heads, mittens, feet
Ball jointed hips and neck
Silicone cable arms and legs
Wrapped wire/silicone torso
Sewn clothing, fabric painted stockings
Luscious Ice Cream Cones sculpted by Carie Schoen
Woolie Sleeping Bags from the Netherlands crafted/embroidered by Nelleke de Jong
Sewn clothing, fabric painted stockings
Luscious Ice Cream Cones sculpted by Carie Schoen
Woolie Sleeping Bags from the Netherlands crafted/embroidered by Nelleke de Jong
With careful balancing Raggelys can stand and sit on their own...
but they prefer company!
Guaranteed to bring a smile wherever they nestle.
Raggely Nellie
Not Available
Flying to lovely Mayumi in Japan!
Nellie likes chocolate but prefers it in mint ice cream...
Now that all three little Raggelys are going separate ways,,
Nellie is wishing to share ALL her ice cream
with her friends before they leave.
Raggely Anastacia
Anastacia on the other hand, loves to share
with Nellie and Neddie...
And that's why she never gets ice cream drips on her dress!

Neddie Raggely
Thank you dear Mara!!
Eating chocolate always makes Neddie break out in song!!

But he never gets a bite of this chocolate
because the ice cream always melts
because the ice cream always melts
before his song is done!
Thank you for meeting my little Raggely children!
For a very long time I have been wanting to create more affordable ooak children.
So, these little cartoon dollies are a dream come true.
I hope they find a special place in your heart
as they have mine...
love, Rose