Happy New Year everyone!
A little belated, but I do hope January is off to a good start for you.
As for me, I am still waiting for my long winter's nap!
There has been precious little sleep in our house between Thanksgiving til...now.
High excitement, friends and family gatherings, shopping, and more shopping.
The hustle bustle of the holidays seemed to fill each day to overflowing.
Now that the ornaments are packed away until next fall,
the clean palette of 2012 has stirred me with new creative imaginings
borne from a very special Treasure Box.
It landed on our doorstep
just after Christmas.
Upon closer inspection, we saw the address was from Finland.
A hint perhaps of what...or who might be inside.
As we gently separated the tissue, you can imagine our surprise.
This is what we found!

Tucked within a wooden box that had been painted in Pippi colors
was a cheerful bouquet bursting with treasures!
As you can imagine, I was completely
Overwhelmed. Speechless.
My daughters had to provide the words.
And did they ever.
My own Pippichild was sure her friend had returned...
She squealed, "I see her face! I see her face! She's back!"

A little belated, but I do hope January is off to a good start for you.
As for me, I am still waiting for my long winter's nap!
There has been precious little sleep in our house between Thanksgiving til...now.
High excitement, friends and family gatherings, shopping, and more shopping.
The hustle bustle of the holidays seemed to fill each day to overflowing.
Now that the ornaments are packed away until next fall,
the clean palette of 2012 has stirred me with new creative imaginings
borne from a very special Treasure Box.
It landed on our doorstep
just after Christmas.
Upon closer inspection, we saw the address was from Finland.
A hint perhaps of what...or who might be inside.
As we gently separated the tissue, you can imagine our surprise.
This is what we found!

Tucked within a wooden box that had been painted in Pippi colors
was a cheerful bouquet bursting with treasures!
As you can imagine, I was completely
Overwhelmed. Speechless.
My daughters had to provide the words.
And did they ever.
My own Pippichild was sure her friend had returned...
She squealed, "I see her face! I see her face! She's back!"

Yes, she was back...
but this time in a different form.
(Don't you think she looks like a Finlander now?)
As each treasure was uncovered, we marveled at the....
Endless details.
Meticulously crafted sentiments.
Brilliant colors on fanciful designs.
Meticulously crafted sentiments.
Brilliant colors on fanciful designs.
Just look at this gorgeous card made by Pippi's new mama...
I could not believe someone would do this...

Something special to hold my favorite beverage.

(A tiny Mr. Nelson is in the works, and I hope to include pictures of him in my next post.)

Please welcome a relatively new and upcoming doll artist!