Sunday, October 6, 2013

A new Pippi, Nilsson and a Magnificant Sailboat!

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To visit Pippi's auction, please click here!

 I LOVE playing with Pippi!
There is something  irresistible about her innocence
and delight in handling the details of childhood
that should be celebrated!
Please meet my newest Pippi. 
Her face is inspired by the Swedish actress
 Inger Nilsson who portrayed Pippi in the 70's.
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One morning the Sun was seeming to say,
"AHOY Pippi!  It is a very good time for sailing today!"
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It just so happened that her Sail Boat was all ready to go,
on it's Maiden Voyage hoping for ocean breezes to Blow.
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 Pippi prepared her Traveling Necessities straight away,
packing Nilsson in a suitcase, telling the Horse he had to Stay.
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Poor Nilsson did not like the water, but Pippi assured him it was fine,
he'd be home by evening and tucked into bed by Nine.
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So, off they sailed with great expectations awaiting,
the South Wind  was gentle while the Sea Waves were abating.
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But soon, from the lookout Nilsson spotted Dark Clouds Ahead,
he scrambled down quickly and hid in the suitcase instead.
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To handle the crisis, Pippi balanced on one striped leg,
perched on the baluster like a Seafaring Scallyweg.
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She then flapped her arms and blew hard against the Sail,
until up and away flew the Ship leaving the Storm in it's Trail !
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Returning  home, the Spotted Horse greeted them at the Gate,
saying to Nilsson, " Hey Monkey,  you're Late! ...
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"It's half past Nine and my Hay has run out,
You took all the Cookies and left me Without!"
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So, the Tavelors gladly returned to Villa Villekulla's  welcoming Shores, 
eating Bologna Sandwiches for dinner and  Chocolate Cookie Smores. 
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Drowsie from sea air, Pippi tumbled into her Comfy Old Bed,
All three of them fell asleep immediately, very well Fed.
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Just another Pippi Day full of adventure wherever she might Roam...
But the best place of all  was Home Sweet Home!
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This Sailing Pippi Set includes...
A Wave Display of 4 pieces
Hand made Lunchbag
Sculpted Bolgna Sandwich and Chocolate Chip Cookie
6 Bluebirds and a Nest with Three Small Eggs
Pippi measures 7 inches    Nilsson is 3 inches
Wrapped coil and wire backbone makes her flexible .
She is also articulated with a combination of ball joints and hand made beads.
Both dolls stand on their own.
Their faces are sculpted from Cernit and Puppenfimo,
 all features are painted in heat set oils and sealed.
Clothing is permanently sewn on.
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Little Nilsson is also articulated,
with ball jointed hips and shoulders,
silicone cable arms and legs.
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Sculpted boot buttons the size of a pin head 
The Magnificent  16 inch tall  Sail Boat
was created by the talented Carie Schoen (kelbycarie)!
It is entirely handmade of papier-mâché,
including a sculpted Mast with a Muslin Sail and sewn on Stars
and a Wave Display
Nilsson fits securely in the Lookout,
and both Pippi and Nilsson can ride inside the boat. 
The six traveling Bluebirds were also made by Carie!
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Thank you for traveling along
with Pippi and Nilsson
on their Sailing Adventure!
 ... Rose
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  1. Absolutely adorable post! Thank you for Pippi and Nilson. It's my favorite movie in childhood (and now ;-)
    Your Pippi is like real, very similar to that funny girl, who lived amazing house. The boat and waves are fabulous too, but where is her horse ?? ;-) big hugs, so thank you for the sharing.

  2. She has such a sweet face! I love her boots and the boat! What a great idea to make it out of cup!!! Good luck with the auctkion, although I know they will be sold fast!
    Hugs and kisses

  3. Where do I begin Rose... There is so much candy for the eyes here... I love your new Pippi and Nilsson!
    Details go on forever, on a wonderful voyage.
    Yes, Carie did a magnificent joy on the sailboat!
    Your friend always
    Love and blessings,

  4. You my Dear are amazing ~ truly amazing .
    Pippi reminds me of my childhood ~ most certainly.
    Nilsson just too very adorable for words !!
    Enchanted post too .
    xox Willow

  5. Oh Pippi and her pal Nilsson are sheer Magic! Their accessories and story are so incredibly Beautiful - Thank you so Much for the Magic you Bring to Us - HuGs and Love, TiGGy

  6. Rosa, you are officially "pippi's" new maker!grin. I just love all the pippis that you have made and they carry your unmistakable signature!Your attention to details is never missed bringing a new feeling to me when I see your new ( and old!) creations. Something about childhood that I believe most of us ( at least -the dreamers!!!) enjoys when visit your posts.Your friend ~


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